Closson Press

Product Details

Photographs and Sketches from the 19th and 20th Century from Hazleton, PA

Photographs and Sketches from the 19th and 20th Century from Hazleton, PA

Compiled by Norm Drasher

This book contains photographs and sketches of people who lived in Haszleton and the surrounding counties of Luzerne, Carbon and Schuylkill. Most of the images are from Hazleton papers from the 19th and 20hth centuries and others are from a personal collection. 85 pages.

Price includes shipping and handling. Make checks payable to: Norm Drasher.

2019, 8.5" x 11", Softbound. 85 pages.

Shipping/Handling included.

Order directly from:

Norm Drasher

309 Bull Valley Rd

Aspers, PA 17304-9760




Price: $23.00

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