Closson Press

Welcome to our new web site and blog!

Sep 29

Dear Genealogy Friends,

Welcome to our new site and Blog. This web site has been a long time in the making with the promise of many new features to be added in the near future. A huge thank you goes out to the people who stood by me in my struggles and were there to make it happen. They know who they are.

When our web server offered a Blog option, I immediately purchased Blogging for Dummies. The more I read, the more nervous I became. After reading about all the things I could say or do to get myself into trouble, I came up with a name for the blog, "Out on a Limb." Then I learned;a name was unnecessary because it was part of the new site. There are so many options and so many things to consider in setting up an independent blog, it was a relief when I learned everything is set up by the Shopify system and it would be as simple as writing an e-mail.

Years ago, when our son was six weeks old, we drove from our home in Apollo, Pennsylvania to North Carolina to introduce him to his paternal grandparents. My husband handed me a map, knowing full well that I cannot read a map, but he thought he would have some fun at my expense. After hours of driving around circles he finally realized that I was not going to get us there with or without a map so he took the map from me and we finally reached our destination. Who had the last laugh?

Today a GPS would have helped avoid the situation. The trip would have been outlined. If I had made a wrong turn, it would have led me along the way, pointing out wrong turns, and the ride would have been much smoother.

This Blog is for YOU. I’m directionally challenged here too and have new roads to travel. I want this site to be a place where you can feel comfortable to ask questions, find information, and can post and share information that can help others -- the question is: What route should we take?

I’m inviting you to be my GPS not only for this Blog but for the upcoming newsletter. Societies have the advantage of limiting information for their particular group of followers and staying within those bounds. Since the web is national (actually worldwide), I am open for ideas on where "we" want to go.

Since this blog is for your benefit, I would appreciate your recommendations for new blog postings as well as your comments on the new web site.

I’d like to start by suggesting that we share favorite informational genealogy web sites and take it one step further by adding a genealogy moment that might be associated with it. Please feel free to share that story and the reason it is your favorite site. I'm totally convinced that those things that seem to fall into our laps do not happen by coincidence. If that moment has not yet arrived, sharing a favorite web site is more than enough.

Tell your genealogy friends we are here. Feel free to mention our new site in your society newsletters. Let’s get this BLOG on the road!

Positively genealogy,


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