Author: Bonnie Malmat
The fourth book in a series of newspaper extractions of vital records such as marriages and deaths, golden wedding anniversaries, ads disavowing any debt of runaway wives which sometimes give the maiden name, and more rarely, notices of formal divorce are advertised. Also of interest is an abundance of land sales ranging from private sales to sales from investors to seized estates often giving descriptions of the properties involved. Regular articles list tragic fires, new projects, politics and elections, accidents, school happenings from high school to university as well as announcements of graduations or accomplishments of various students. These records provide a deeper picture of the lives of these people. They help to flesh out and personalize them. The index is set up by abstract number and alphabetical lists.
2006, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 236 pages
ISBN 9781558564671
Price: $25.00
SKU: CP-558
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