Closson Press

Product Details

Alphabetical Listing - Flatwoods Cemetery Record

Alphabetical Listing - Flatwoods Cemetery Record

Author: Yvonne L. Blair Morgan
Flatwoods Cemetery is located in Franklin Township, Fayette County, PA. This record is separated into two sections: Record Book 1 covers burials Jan 17, 1895 to January 7, 1947. Book 2 lists burials between January 10, 1947 and June 7, 1987. Information for both books includes name of deceased, date of death, date of birth, burial date, and cause of death, age at time of death, the undertaker and section of the cemetery where they are buried as available.

2009, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 58 pages
ISBN 9781558565104

Price: $10.00

SKU: CP-309

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