Closson Press

Product Details

Bedford County, PA Archives, Volume 4

Bedford County, PA Archives, Volume 4

Author: James Biser Whisker, Ph.D.
This volume completes the records of the Old Log Church built about 1808. Marriage records from this church were printed in Volume 2 of this series. Included also are land warrants found in the Fulton County Court House, tombstone inscriptions from Big Springs Graveyard (Ayr Township), Green Hill Presbyterian Cemetery (Licking Creek Twp.) Records of Bedford German Reformed Church, extracts from the Bedford Gazette, Baptisms at German Reformed and Lutheran church of Schellsburg, funerals of that same church, extracts from Bedford True America and more! Index.

1988, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 153 pages
ISBN 0933227329

Price: $16.00

SKU: CP-297

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