Author: Lee and Bryant
1895 Reprint. Directory for 1895 including residents of Ashland, including students and faculty of Ashland University, and business listings for Albion, Hayesville, Jeromesville, Knowlton, Lake Fork, Loudonville, McKay, McZena, Mifflin, Mohican, Nankin, Nova, Paradise Hill, Perrysville, Polk, Red Haw, Rowsburg, Ruggles, Savannah, Sullivan and Widowville, with political officials, churches and fraternal groups in Ashland County, Ohio.
Postage is included in price. Ohio residents add 6.25% state sales tax.
1999, 6" X 9”, Softbound, 104 pages
Order From:
Ashland County Chapter OGS
PO Box 681
Ashland, OH 44805-0681
Price: $16.00
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