Closson Press

Product Details

Family Stories and Bible Records of Central West Virginia, Vol. 1

Family Stories and Bible Records of Central West Virginia, Vol. 1 Author: Lolita A. Guthrie
This book abstracts the results of a contest sponsored by the Clarksburg Exponent-Telegram newspaper in 1932 at which time it asked for bible record entries. 50 bibles were entered, practically all of them over 100 years old and a few of them over 200 years old. (A second contest followed.) From a genealogical standpoint, these old Bible contests were of immense value, for practically all of the Bibles had family records of pioneer residents, records that could be found in no other place except the family Bible. Where would one ever hope to find 70 or more family Bible records, especially from the early 1700s into the mid-1800’s. This volume contains all family [histories] stories and Bible records found beginning April 17, 1932 and continuing through September 1932. In addition to the published Bible records, the same newspaper published in-depth interviews with Civil War veterans (North and South) and other elderly area residents. It contains a wealth of military information, battles fought, regimental units, officers, comrades, etc. These stories provide numerous clues to places beyond central West Virginia where various branches of the families migrated. The personal-name index contains 5,153 entries, with maiden names given wherever possible. 

Please add $3.50 shipping and handling. West Virginia residents add 6% sales tax.
1999, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 146 pages

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Hacker’s Creek Pioneer Descendants (HCPD)
45 Abbotts Run Rd
Horner, WV 26372-5022

Price: $15.00

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