Closson Press

Product Details

Index of Surnames Appearing in Hazleton Newspapers, Hazelton, PA, Part XII

Index of Surnames Appearing in Hazleton Newspapers, Hazelton, PA, Part XII Compiler: Norm Drasher

This book contains an alphabetical listing of over 11,000 names appearing in events of genealogical interest in Hazleton newspapers from 1 January 1917 to 31 December 1918. It primarily lists those events that occurred within a 30 mile radius of Hazleton and those with a connection to the Hazleton area. Types of records abstracted include immigrations, births, deaths, obituaries, funerals, marriages, divorces, pensions, and wills.

The date listing is the date that the event appeared in the paper, not the date that the event occurred. Names and places are spelled as they appeared in the paper even though they appear to be incorrect in some instances, therefore, the list should be checked for variations in spelling. The same event may be listed on several dates.

Available issues: The Daily Standard 1Jan1917-30Jun1917, The Plain Speaker 2Jul1917-31Dec1917, 1Oct1918, 31Dec1918, and Standard Sentinel 1Jan1918-30Mar1918.

2012, 8.5x11, Softbound, 239 pages

ISBN 9781558565692

Price: $25.00

SKU: CP-645

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