Closson Press

Product Details

Index of Surnames Appearing in Hazleton Newspapers, Part V

Index of Surnames Appearing in Hazleton Newspapers, Part V Author: Norm Drasher
(January 1903-December 1904) An alphabetical listing of over 10,000 names appearing in events of genealogical interest in The Hazleton Standard from 1 January 1903 to 31 December 1904. It contains mostly those events that occurred within a 30 mile radius of Hazleton and those with a connection to the Hazleton area. At the end of the index there is a listing of the graves of soldiers buried in local cemeteries. This list was obtained from the Daily Standard of May 31, 1904. Includes names, dates events appeared in the paper, locations, and type of event by abbreviation.

2005, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 189 pages

Price: $20.00

SKU: CP-532

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