Closson Press

Product Details

LOOKIN’ BACK - A Pictorial History of Brooke County, WV

LOOKIN’ BACK - A Pictorial History of Brooke County, WV Compiled by: Members of Brooke County Genealogy Society, Inc.

Take a trip down memory lane with over 500 photos and data collected from their archives and from former and current residents of Brooke County.

This 184 page book, showing life in Brooke County, West Virginia, includes photos of business, churches, citizens, communities, events and schools. Have fun looking for familiar names and places.

Please make checks payable to BCG Books. WV residents, add 6% sales tax ($1.50). Add $5.30 shipping and handling.

2012, 8.5x11, Softbound, 184 pages

Order from: BCG Books, 581 Scenery Hill Rd N, Wellsburg, WV 26070-2609

Price: $24.95

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