Compilers: Retrospect Publishing
Volume XXII of the
Third Series of the Published Pennsylvania Archives contains Pennsylvania tax lists for the western frontier counties of Allegheny, Bedford, Fayette, Huntingdon, Washington, and Westmoreland, Pennsylvania. Genealogy researchers will find the western Pennsylvania tax lists extremely useful when searching for their frontier ancestors.
Taxpayers are listed by township and typically the acres owned, horses, and cattle are also tallied. The county tax lists include the Returns of Taxables for the following years:
- Allegheny County, 1791 (the present day counties of Erie, Butler, Mercer, Crawford, Lawrence, Beaver, Armstrong, Venango, & Warren were part of Allegheny during 1791)
- Bedford County, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1779, 1783 and 1784 (the present day counties of Clearfield, Cambria, Blair, Centre, Huntingdon, Fulton & Somerset were part of Bedford during some or all of the tax periods)
- Fayette County, 1785 & 1786
- Huntingdon County, 1788 (the present day counties of Cambria, Blair & Clearfield were part of Huntingdon during 1788)
- Washington County, 1781 (the present day counties of Greene & Beaver were part of Washington during 1781)
- Westmoreland County, 1783, 1786 (the present day counties Armstrong & Indiana were part of Westmoreland during the tax period)
The Land Return Tax of 1784 Bedford County tax list and the1783 Westmoreland County tax list are of particular interest to researchers. These tax lists itemize the number of dwellings and the acres per taxable, along with the number of white and black inhabitants. The result is that these tax lists can serve as a county census for Westmoreland County and Bedford County. This CD contains the images of the original pages along with a full text search capability for the following books:
- PA Archives Third Series Vol. XXII (Wm. Henry Egle; M.D.; Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer; Commonwealth of PA; 1898).
System Requirements: CD-ROM drive; Windows Operating System. Not compatible with network software.
If you are looking for western Pennsylvania families from the mid 1770's to the early 1790's, this CD of the Western Frontier Counties Tax Lists for Pennsylvania from the Third Series of the Published Pennsylvania Archives might just assist you in finding them.
2003, 796 pages, CD
ISBN 1929356234
Price: $19.95
SKU: CD-R-3P22
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