Author: Paul K. Heckethorn
The Preacher was a short lived newspaper (Nov. 23, 1843 - Nov. 4, 1846). The brain child of Rev. Dr. John T. Pressley, it was produced and published in Pittsburgh, PA. It covered ecclesiastical news in the Western Pennsylvania area including counties of Allegheny, Washington, Westmoreland, Lawrence, etc. as well as the state of Ohio. The newsletter covered structured lessons in moral instruction as well as ordinances in the church, i.e. marriages, deaths, and obituaries of persons from all of the branches of the Presbyterian church. Those ordinances are included in this booklet. Surname index.
2006, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 29 pages
ISBN 9781558564640
Price: $6.00
SKU: CP-556
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