Closson Press

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Advertisements and Notices of Interest fr Norristown, PA Newspapers, Vol. 4

Advertisements and Notices of Interest fr Norristown, PA Newspapers, Vol. 4

Author: Judith A. H. Meier
This group of records covers the period from 1833-1838. Prior to 1784 Montgomery was part of Philadelphia County. County farmers and tradesmen looked to the big city for their news. Contained within these pages are notices of marriages, deaths, sales of houses, farms, mills, taverns, news concerning the formation of the early county and village organizations, libraries, churches and more giving some insight into the life-style of the early nineteenth century.

Because the Norristown newspapers served such a large area, news of Chester, Bucks, Delaware and even more distant counties appear. Index.

1991, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 277 pages
ISBN 1558560785

Price: $19.95

SKU: CP-173

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