Closson Press

Product Details

American Agriculturist Farm Directory and Reference Book

American Agriculturist Farm Directory and Reference Book Author: Orange Judd Company
The 1916 directory includes: Classified Business Directory, Butler County Government, Advertising (with index to advertisers), and most important a directory of individuals living in Butler County, the number of children living at home, the individual’s business or occupation, their chief crop or specialty, property upon which individual has residence, whether they owned or were a tenant, number of acres worked, number of the rural delivery route and post office from which mail was received, name of the township in which the individual lived. A wealth of information including distances from Butler to various locations in Butler County is included in this directory.

2001, 6" X 9", Softbound, 278 pages
No ISBN assigned

Price: $16.00

SKU: CP-333

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