Closson Press

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Ancestry of the Green Family of Huntingdon County, Indiana

Ancestry of the Green Family of Huntingdon County, Indiana Author: Jane Shaffer Elsmere
Ancestors of the Green family who immigrated to America in the early seventeenth century were primarily of English and Welsh origin. They included settlers at Jamestown, Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a Governor of Maryland, founders of Hartford, Connecticut and Southold, Long Island, and Welsh Quakers in Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Some were borderers and pioneers in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Lineage of the Greene(e) family from the mid-fourteenth century until the present time is presented, and lineage of allied families was traced to immigrant ancestors and their places of origin in England or Wales when posible.

Biographical sketches of many ancestors supplement basic genealogical data. Some allied families: Barber, Bartholomew, Boarman, Brown, Butt, Butterfield, Castle, Chalker, Clayton, Culpe(p)er, Dickerson, Ellis, Frisbie, George, Hildreth, Hudson, Humphrey, Hurlbu(r)t, Johnson, King, Long, Parker, Post, Prettyman, Sto(c)kley, Stratton, Totten, Tuthills, Wells, and Youngs. Every name index.

Price includes shipping and handling.
2009, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 77 pages

Order From:
Jane Elsmere PO Box 501
North Manchester, Indiana 46962-0501

Price: $8.95

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