Author: Thomas Stephen Neel
This publication contains descriptions and short histories of all churches in Ashland County prior to 1880 by both township and denomination. Then abstracts of church records are given for ten early churches throughout the county.. A second volume will be published as the Chapter obtains records of additional church records to abstract. Because Ohio did not keep birth and death records until 1867, church baptismal and burial records are often used to document these events. Church records often are sources for clues to the place of origin since the member was normally recommended by a previous congregation. Errors in life, i.e., “sinful acts” by our ancestors are also often found. Church minutes are a unique source for genealogical material. They are available but often overlooked by family historians in Ohio, and this is the first step in preserving information from Ashland County religious groups. Every name index.
Price includes shipping/handling. Ohio residents, please add $1.19 Ohio resident sales tax. (Ashland County Chapter OGS members can deduct $1.00 from price of book.)
2000, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 168 pages
Order From:
Ashland County Chapter OGS
PO Box 681
Ashland, OH 44850-0681
Price: $22.50
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