Author: Mark H. Welchley
A careful reading of every news item, advertisement or public notice in the microfilms of the oldest surviving newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania,
Argus (known as the
Western Argus until 1843), and this book includes items containing genealogical information of a local nature from Western Pennsylvania and parts of Ohio and Virginia. Marriage notices were omitted so as not to duplicate material from his earlier book, “Beaver County, Pa. Marriages, 1830-73.” The only exceptions to this were a number of marriage notices, mostly from the 1840s, that were inadvertently omitted from the earlier book. Index provided for names not alphabetized in the text.
1986, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 130 pages
ISBN 0933227493
Price: $11.00
SKU: CP-508
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