Closson Press

Product Details

Bio. & His. Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, PA

Bio. & His. Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, PA

Author: Samuel T. Wiley
This excellent biographical and historical cyclopedia was first printed in 1891. The history of any nation, state or country is best and most forcibly written in the life records of its citizens. In view of this, in 1876 the U.S. Congress recommended to state and county authorities the importance and necessity of collecting and preserving the histories and biographies of their prominent men and useful citizens. The publisher of this work compiled and published the first cyclopedia of biographies that was ever issued in Pennsylvania. It covers two important western Pennsylvania counties. It includes a vast amount of historical research including over 2,000 surnames. Index.

1996, 8.5 x 11", Hardbound, 658 pages
No ISBN assigned

Price: $55.00

SKU: CP-284

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