Closson Press

Product Details

Cem. Marker Readings of St. Peter’s Cemetery

Cem. Marker Readings of St. Peter’s Cemetery

Author: Edgar H. Zimmerman
St. Peter’s Cemetery was founded shortly after the church was founded by Jesuits from St. Paul Mission, Bally, PA in 1752, at 111 Duke Street (now known as 7th Street). The Cemetery remained beside the Church until 1844 when it was removed to Tenth and South Streets in Reading, otherwise known as Nanny Goat Hill. The land where the Church and the Cemetery had been located was sold in 1845 so that a new church could be constructed on South Fifth Street. The tombstones are listed in alphabetical order.

1999, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 102 pages
ISBN 1558563008

Price: $10.00

SKU: CP-210

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