Author: Brian J. Ensley
When searching your roots, cemetery records are one of the most valuable tools one can use. In some cases a headstone is the only record that a person even existed. Many families who didn’t have obituaries published and who died when there were no formal death certificates issued, left a headstone inscription which was the only record of their dates.
Over time many headstones become worn, damaged or missing. Since many of the stones were already worn or damaged when this record was started, transcriptions were sometimes difficult. All attempts were made to be as complete and accurate as possible. Individual cemetery records are listed in alphabetical order.
Volume III includes:
8 Cambria County Cemeteries:
City of Johnstown: Decker.
Conemaugh Twp: Oak-Singer.
East Taylor Twp.: Sacred Heart Catholic.
Lower Yoder Twp.: Immaculate Conception Cemetery.
Richland Township: Bishop Eash Cemetery.
Upper Yoder Twp: Potter, Yoder Cemetery.
19 Somerset County Cemeteries:
Allegheny Twp.: St. Luke’s Reformed.
Brothersvalley Twp: Beachdale, Christian Blough.
Jenner Twp.: Jenner Township Baptist.
Middlecreek Twp.: Saylor.
Paint Twp.: Jacob Berkey.
Quemahoning Twp.: Horner-Mt. Tabor.
Shade Twp.: Haydu, Huston, Ling, Miller, Otterbein U.M., Richardson, Shade Lutheran, Statler.
Somerset Twp.: Wills Lutheran, Wilt-Gohn, Wolford Plot.
Stoneycreek Twp: Downey, Mizpah Lutheran Cemetery.
Volume III includes corrections to Volumes I and II as well as a surname index to all three volumes.
2001, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 174 pages
ISBN 1558563687
Price: $18.00
SKU: CP-221
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