Closson Press

Product Details

Combined Records of First Ref. Church and Trinity Ref. Church

Combined Records of First Ref. Church and Trinity Ref. Church

Authors: Schuylkill Roots
This is the record of two churches under one cover: First Reformed Church at Pottsville and Trinity Reformed Church which is now Trinity UCC Church, also at Pottsville, Schuylkill County. First Reformed Church includes a church history, baptisms (1875-1949) and marriages (1885-1949). Trinity Reformed Church includes a church history, baptisms (1868-1984), marriages (1868-1979). An addendum to death and burial records (1869-1980) has been added. Index.

1999, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 253 pages
ISBN 1558563067

Price: $25.00

SKU: CP-224

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