Author: A.K. & W.F. Fahnestock
Comprised of family letters, copies of family bible pages, a brief family history originating with Rupert Von Fahnestock who was made Baron of the Roman Empire by the Emperor Robert, of Normany, a photo of the homestead of Laborius Fahnestock at Halten, in the Province of Westphalia, Prussia, a Fahnestock Family Register beginning with Diedrich born 1696, the progenitor and his descendants, etc. Also includes pictures of family members John L. Stone born 1815 and Elizabeth Ginn Stone born 1816 plus photographs of some family gravestones. Other names mentioned: Hale, Morrow, Collins, Arthur, Hertz, and many many more.
Sorry -- no index, but you will want to scan every single page if this appears to be your family. Some pages light because it was taken from a copy of a copy. This 1879 reprint is too valuable not to make available for anyone who may be interested in this family.
1990, 6" X 9", Softbound, 78 pages
No ISBN assigned.
Price: $5.00
SKU: CP-158
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