Compilers: Retrospect Publishing
Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania was originally commissioned by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to identify the forts of Pennsylvania that were erected as a defense against the Indians prior to 1783. This two-volume contain an extensive list and history of the Pennsylvania forts and blockhouses that were erected in Pennsylvania and used during the colonial period. Often times a fort or blockhouse was nothing more than a well built house.
Here is a list of just a few of the "lesser known" Pennsylvania forts and blockhouses contained within these two volumes: Allen, Anderson, Barr, Bayon, Beelor, Beeman, Beeson, Braybill, Brietenbach, Brown, Campbell, Carnahan, Clark, Claypoole, Conwell, Craig, Crawford, Crum, Deshler, Dinsmore, Doll, Elder, Enlow, Froman, Gloninger, Hendrick, Inyard, Kepple, Lochry, Lowrey, Manada, Marchand, Marshall, Mason, McAlevy, McCartney, McConaughy, McCormick, McDowell, Mead, Miller, Moorhead, Peelor, Pomeroy, Reed, Reynold, Rice, Roney, Rugh, Shields, Spark, Stokely, Swatara, Taylor, Thompson, Wallace, Walthour, Wilson, Woodruff, Zeller.
The first edition of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania was published in 1896. The second edition was published in 1916. The differences between the two editions are as follows: the first editions contain colored maps and illustration whereas the second edition contains only black and white maps and illustrations. The second edition also contains additional footnotes and 18 additional pages of appendixes. The color illustrations from the first edition were identical to the black and white illustrations of the second edition and were used whenever possible in the production of this CD-ROM. This CD contains the images of the original pages along with a full text search capability for the following books:
- Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania, Vol. I and II, 2nd edition. (Thomas L. Montgomery, editor; Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer; Commonwealth of PA; 1916).
System Requirements: CD-ROM drive; Windows Operating System. Not compatible with network software.
For any Pennsylvania history buff and/or genealogy researcher you are sure to find the accounts of Indian skirmishes and the extensive list and history of Pennsylvania forts and blockhouses interesting. The CD includes 163 illustrations and maps.
2004, 1,542 pages, CD
ISBN 192935634X
Price: $29.95
SKU: CD-R-P011
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