Closson Press

Product Details

Index of Surnames Appearing in the Hazleton Semi-Weekly, Part II

Index of Surnames Appearing in the Hazleton Semi-Weekly, Part II

Author: Norm Drasher
An alphabetical listing of over 10,000 surnames appearing in events of genealogical interest in the Hazleton Semi-Weekly newspaper from January 1891 to March 1892 and the Hazleton Daily Standard from April 1892 to December 1895. It contains only those events that occurred within a 30 mile radius of Hazleton and those with a connection to the Hazleton, Pennsylvania area. The Semi-Weekly and the Daily Standard have been microfilmed and are available for viewing at the Pennsylvania State Library in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Includes full name of person involved, date event appeared in the newspaper, and type of event (births, deaths, divorces, immigrations, pensions, wills, marriages, obituaries, funerals) plus the location. This index covers the period from January 1891 through December 1895.

2000, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 185 pages
ISBN 1558563059

Price: $20.00

SKU: CP-179

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