Closson Press

Product Details

Indian Wars Along the Upper Ohio

Indian Wars Along the Upper Ohio

Author:William M. Garbarino

Originally printed in 2001, this publication relates to the eighteenth century historic events that occurred along the upper Ohio River and the Ohio country in general. It includes chapters on the early inhabitants, the Ohio Company, Bouquet’s Expedition against the Ohio Indians, Dunmore’s War on the Ohio, the Revolutionary War, massacre at Guadenhutten, Crawford’s Campaign, Indian Wars, the struggle for the Northwest Territory, and the life of an Indian trader. Illustrations and index. 

Price includes $2.50 shipping/handling.

Reprint 2013, 6" X 9", Softbound, 133 pages

Order From:
Midway Publishing
Bill Garbarino
PO Box 313
Midway, PA 15060-0313

Price: $13.45

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