Closson Press

Product Details

Joseph H. Kelley’s Reminiscences of West Middletown, Avella & WW II

Joseph H. Kelley’s Reminiscences of West Middletown, Avella & WW II

Compiler: Jane M. Fulcher for the McKeever Study Library

This book contains excerpts of conversations between Joe Kelley [1915-1998] and Jane M. Fulcher, a local Washington County, Pennsylvania historian. Jane would “turn on the tape recorder” when Joe stopped to visit, and the result is this book - a wealth of information on the local area, families and events as related by an articulate and observant man. Joe’s perspective is even more interesting in that he was a black man, the grandson of slaves, and he gives first-person accounts of both prejudice and acceptance.

In addition to the transcribed conversations, a segment of the book is an autobiography called “Pride and Prejudice”, typed from Joe’s handwritten sketches in which he assumes the name “Tony”.

This book will charm you with its insights. Complete 40 page index. (All proceeds support the McKeever Study Library.)

2013, 8.5x11, Softbound, 369 pages


Please add $3.50 shipping/handling. PA residents, please add 6% PA Sales Tax

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McKeever Study Library

% Ellen Armstrong

PO Box 15

West Middletown, PA 15379-0015


Price: $30.00

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