Authors: Trinity United Methodist Church, Bowling Green, Ohio, Historical Book Committee
…: In commemoration of Our 125th Anniversary 2000. This publication comprises the history of Trinity United Methodist Church (formerly Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church) Bowling Green, Ohio from it’s inception in 1875 to the year 2000. Photographs numbering 112 span this time frame. The period covers two church buildings on the same site. It contains a photo and brief history of Center United Brethren Church in Center Township (Wood County) and its merger with Trinity United Brethren Church, and the Methodist Church. Two indexes are included with one for text and one for photographs.
Price includes shipping/handling for the first book. Add $2.00 per additional book.
2000, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 178 pages
Order From:
Trinity United Methodist Church
Attn: Book Orders
200 N Summit St
Bowling Green, OH 43402-2527
e-mail: bminer1@verizon.net or e-mail: bgtrinity@verizon.net
Phone: 419-353-9031
Price: $10.00
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