Authors: Darvin L. and Regina Christman Martin
This CD contains tombstone photographs documenting 4,481 indexed individuals buried in Providence Township, includes over 3,000 photographs with 566 unique surnames.
Let These Stones Speak is an interactive visual presentation of each cemetery, tombstone by tombstone. The tombstones are linked together on the CD in the same order they appear in the cemetery, giving the effect of actually walking through the cemetery, visiting the resting places of your ancestors. The tombstones are also linked through an index, so one may quickly find the name of the individual of interest and click directly to the specified tombstone photograph. Tombstone photographs may be printed or pasted into your personal genealogy program.
Following is a list of the 19 cemeteries included: African American Graveyard along Hopkins Mill Road (0 burials), (This unnamed graveyard is located among a patch of trees on the north side of Hopkins Mill Road. There are no tombstones, but sunken graves and groundhog holes display that this is a graveyard.), Bowman-Huber Family Graveyard, Clearfield U.M. Church Cemetery, Groff-Eshleman Family Graveyard, Groff-Stoneroad Family Graveyard, Hart Family Graveyard, Herr-Hammill Family Graveyard, Huber Family Graveyard, Kuhn Family Graveyard, Montgomery-Fisher Family Graveyard, Lyns-Reese Family Graveyard, Mount Carmel United Brethren Cemetery, New Providence Church of God Cemetery, New Providence Mennonite Church Cemetery, Rising Sun School Graveyard, Smithville Church of God Cemetery, Union African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, and Whitestock Family Graveyard.
The most common surnames on this CD are: Groff + variations (209), Miller (147), Herr (95), Lefever/Lefevre (87), Reese + variations (83), Huber/Hoover (68), Creamer/Cramer + variations (66), Gochenaur/Gochnauer + variations (61), Eckman (59), Wiggins (58), Kreider (57), Ressler/Resler (54), Bleacher/Bleecher (51), Bowman/Bauman (48), Smith (45), Hess (44), Myers/Myer + variations (44), Brubaker/Brubacher (43), Hart (43).
2007, 3,445 pages, CD
No ISBN assigned
Price: $14.95
SKU: CD-M006
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