Closson Press

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Medina County, Ohio Recollections of Medina Characters

Medina County, Ohio Recollections of Medina Characters Author: Sharon L.D. Kraynek
1874-1908. Founder of the First National Bank in Medina, Pancoast would abscond with the entrusted funds purportedly on an odyssey west to California for the sake of his health. Before his journey of life would end in a North Dakota prison, convicted of the execution of his own wife, his concerns for health, California, or even Medina, Ohio were long forgotten. A chameleon of a human, W.W. Pancoast left a 20 year reign of confusion when he finally died in a lonely prison cell. He had been many people, existing in a world where the line between reality and insanity had long been obscured within the mind of Pancoast. By whatever name he chose, by whatever occupation he pursued and by whatever crimes he was guilty, W.W. Pancoast was truly immortal in the lives of all who met him. “Recollections” is not only what Munson recalled as a young man, but his whole life story. The lives of W.W. Pancoast and Albert Munson, both men took different paths, but both helped settle Medina, Ohio. This was Medina, once upon a time, the people and the places of a village that would never be the same, all because of two men. Index.

1998, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 173 pages
ISBN 155856277X

Price: $16.00

SKU: CP-435

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