Closson Press

Product Details

Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records, Volume 15

Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records, Volume 15  Author: Catharine F. Fedorchak

The 15th and final volume of this excellent series is a continuation of more records from Monroe County. This volume includes newspaper abstracts from 1878-1879, church records from the German Evangelical of Miltonsburg, Middle Church and Lewisville, cemetery inscriptions from Mt. Moriah, Mt. Olive, West Union, Salem UCC, Buchanan, Neuhart, Fairview, Goudy, Trail Run, Pleasant Ridge, Beautiful Ridge, Antioch, Moose Ridge, Moffett-Fletcher, Mt. Carrick, Emma Grove, St. John UCC, Headley Ridge, Chapel Hill, St. James, Sykes Ridge, and Sykes Ridge. It also contains court records spanning several years between 1832 to 1879., various marriage records, land deeds, early death records, wills, and soldier discharges.

2011, Softbound, 194 pages

Add $3.00 shipping for first book and 1.00 for each additional book.

Ohio residents pay tax at the rate charged in your county and include the name of your county when ordering.

Order from:
Monroe County Chapter OGS
PO Box 641
Woodsfield, OH 43793-0641


Price: $18.00

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