Author: Louis J. Joseph for The Mahoning County Chapter of The OGS
As part of an ongoing effort by The Mahoning County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical Society to transcribe all the cemeteries in Mahoning County, Ohio, this fourth volume contains death records for Calvary Cemetery starting 10 July 1885 and ends December 30, 1908. It also includes the death records of St. Joseph Cemetery beginning 2 February 1892 and ending 30 December 1908.
There are over 7,000 names in the every name index. Great effort was taken to ensure accuracy. All the stones were read and those readings completely rechecked at least once. Special care was taken with the old stones. Some of them were worn, broken, and difficult to decipher. In those cases, best efforts were used to provide information. No stone was omitted. Broken pieces were copied if there were any discernible engraving and foundations/bases with no stones were noted.
Please add $5.00 shipping and handling. Ohio residents please add applicable sales tax for the county in which you reside.
2010, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 362 pages
No ISBN assigned
Order From:
Mahoning County Chapter, OGS
Attn: Publications
P.O. Box 9333
Youngstown, OH 44513-9333
Price: $40.00
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