Authors: Ohio Genealogical Society
…1846-1848. Volume first printed in 1897. This roster of Ohio soldiers who served in the Mexican War 1846-1848, indexed by Jana Sloan Broglin, contains members of the 1st through 5th Ohio Regiments Volunteer Infantry, the 15th Regiment (Companies B, C, D, H and I), several Independent Infantry units, and Capt. Sanderson’s Mounted Riflemen. A roll of honor listing those who died while in service is also included. An add-on to Volume 12 of the Civil War Soldiers set in 1897, the Mexican War section was overlooked in preparing the index, and was therefore overlooked by most researchers.
280pp. @27.95 postpaid (OGS members price: $22.95) Ohio residents, please add 7.5% Ohio residents.
2003, 6" X 9", Softbound, 280 pages
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The Ohio Genealogical Society
611 State Route 97 W
Bellevue, OH 44813-8813
Price: $27.95
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