Closson Press

Product Details

Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War with Mexico

Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War with Mexico Authors: Ohio Genealogical Society
…1846-1848. Volume first printed in 1897. This roster of Ohio soldiers who served in the Mexican War 1846-1848, indexed by Jana Sloan Broglin, contains members of the 1st through 5th Ohio Regiments Volunteer Infantry, the 15th Regiment (Companies B, C, D, H and I), several Independent Infantry units, and Capt. Sanderson’s Mounted Riflemen. A roll of honor listing those who died while in service is also included. An add-on to Volume 12 of the Civil War Soldiers set in 1897, the Mexican War section was overlooked in preparing the index, and was therefore overlooked by most researchers. 

280pp. @27.95 postpaid (OGS members price: $22.95) Ohio residents, please add 7.5% Ohio residents.

2003, 6" X 9", Softbound, 280 pages

Order from:
The Ohio Genealogical Society
611 State Route 97 W
Bellevue, OH 44813-8813

Price: $27.95

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