Closson Press

Product Details

Old Westmoreland

Old Westmoreland

Author: Edgar W. Hassler
...A History of Western Pennsylvania During the Revolution. This reprint was originally published in 1900. It represents an effort to tell the revolutionary history of the Western Pennsylvania border; to describe the trials, the sacrifices, the errors and the heroisms of the frontiersmen, in their conflicts with tories, British partisans and savages, during the years when Washington and his generals were fighting for independence along the Atlantic seaboard.

The American Revolution covered many fields of action, and the operations on each contributed to the grand result. The men who defended the western border against the savage tribes were doing their work essential to the cause of freedom as well as the ragged Continentals who faced British and Hessian battalions in New York or New Jersey. It shows the industrial development of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio and how this fertile region was won and held from savagery. Enlarged print. Index.

2000, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 200 pages
No ISBN assigned

Price: $18.00

SKU: CP-181

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