Authors: Terquasquicentennial Editorial Sub-Committee
175 Years of Shared Life in a Western Pennsylvania Village,1825-2000. The story of a small village carved out of a forest and where once you could learn Greek and Latin and entertain the thought of touching a star in a sky with a horizon that comes right down to eye-level. This publication is a conservatively edited reproduction of the Rev. D. Luther Roth’s and Andrew White McCullough’s Old Home Week Book of 1912, telling of the first century and a half of life in Prospect and the Prospect area. It continues into the century just closed and the 20th century with the tale of Rube Waddell, one of the best pitchers ever to play the game of baseball.
This book includes many pictures of many people who need remembering. There are the stories of the churches and civic organizations and schools.
Price includes shipping/handling.
2000, 8.5" X 11", Hardbound, 170 pages
Order From:
Mary Harmon
PO Box 566
Prospect, PA 16052-0566
Price: $34.00
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