Authors: Schuylkill Roots
...now First United Methodist Church of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, PA. This very large, ornate and beautiful church is located at 4th and Market Street on Garfield Square. Records for this church book are separated into three volumes. Volume 1 includes Baptisms (1847-1888) and Marriages (1846-1889). Volume 2 includes Baptisms (1888-1919), Gleanings from Class Records, Marriages (1888-1918). Volume 3 includes Baptisms (1920-1936), Marriages (1919-1936), and Deaths (1919-1936). Other information includes record of members who served with the Union Army during the Civil War. Surname index.
2004, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 216 pages
Price: $26.00
SKU: CP-372
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