Closson Press

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Records of St. Paul’s (Summer Hill) Luth. and Ref. Church

Records of St. Paul’s (Summer Hill) Luth. and Ref. Church

Authors: Schuylkill Roots
This church is located in South Manheim Township, Schuylkill County, PA. When gathering records for publication you hope you have all the records that are available. Occasionally additional records are found later, as is the case here. Early History of St. Paul’s (Summer Hill) Lutheran and Reformed Church including Tombstone Inscriptions and Burial Records was published in 1989. Sometime later Schuylkill Roots was able to get a list of Baptisms from this church dating from 1788 to 1812 and these were presented on pages 308 thru 339 of Schuylkill County, PA Archives, Volume 1, published in 1995. Now after more searching they’ve found the rest of the Baptisms (beginning in 1813 through 1868) as well as some added information. This book includes a combination of a short history, the early Baptisms, Death Records (1803-1863) all records available and useful to the genealogist. In this record the communicants, confirmations and the minutes have been omitted. It stands alone from the other St. Paul’s (Summer Hill) records. Index.

2003, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 94 pages
ISBN 155856411x

Price: $12.00

SKU: CP-216

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