Closson Press

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Records of the Tioga Presbyterian Church

Records of the Tioga Presbyterian Church Author: Oda Katherine Birkett
This church was started June 1857. The original name of the church was Kenderton. It grew out of a combination of conservative and liberal thought called the “New Presbyterianism” (also known as the Second Great Awakening). Kenderton opted to side with those who championed education vs. emotionalism. In 1859 the Kenderton Presbyterian Church merged with the McDowell Presbyterian Church and changed its name to Tioga. This publication includes the notes and minutes of this Philadelphia church for the period January 16, 1859 through April 2, 1905. Index.
1991, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 85 pages
ISBN 1558560920

Price: $10.95

SKU: CP-072

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