Author: Bob Cole
We all have memories from our childhood. Those memories, pleasant and unpleasant, shaped our lives. This collection of short stories is offered to revive your memories and share the lessons one person learned from his early years.
The stories tell of life in Hickory Bottom, an almost unknown community located in Dunbar Township of Fayette County in southwestern Pennsylvania. They record people, events, and physical characteristics of the community during the middle of the past century. From that place and time come tales of individuals and activities that provided lessons about life. Even the non-human residents of the place give insight to those who were wise enough, or lived long enough, to recognize those lessons.
In 2007, the author originally published, Stories from Hickory Bottom. It evoked a number of comments from readers which brought to mind other stories worth sharing. As the final copies of the initial printing were sold, the question arose as to whether there should be a second printing. Considering the comments received, it seemed inevitable they should be included in any reprinting of the original stories. Thus “Revisited…” includes the original stories, comments of the readers, and the new stories.
The stories are recorded for enjoyment and to lead the reader to such insight from his or her youth. Those lessons hold wisdom that applies to some of the questions of our day - whenever that day happens to be. Comments from readers and the author’s thoughts are included at the end of each story. Softbound 4-color cover.
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2013, 6" X 9", Softbound, 126 pages
Order From:
Bob Cole
146 Frisbee Hill Rd
Hilton, NY 14468-8907
Price: $20.00
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