Closson Press

Product Details

Ecclesiastical Records of St. James

Ecclesiastical Records of St. James

Authors: Bob and Mary Closson
This book was originally compiled in 1977 and is back by popular demand. The Clossons donated the books to the organization revitalizing the church to help them in their efforts. Unfortunately, the original church structure burnt down but was renovated again. This book includes a brief history of the church, membership rolls, proceedings, constitution, collection records, elections, baptisms, marriages, communicants, confirmants, admissions, dismissions,and tombstone inscriptions of the St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church cemetery.  It covers the approximate time period 1847-1875. Compiled from a copy of the original Church Session book, some entries were very difficult to read. A best guess had to be made on many entries since there was no other known record available for comparison. An added feature is four pages of colored photographs of the church and cemetery. Complete surname index. 

2001, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 118 pages
ISBN 1558563709

Price: $16.00

SKU: CP-208

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