Authors: Wilmer Atkinson Company, Publishers of the Farm Journal, Washington Square, Philadelphia
This reprint by Ashland County Chapter OGS was originally printed in 1915. It does not contain the Ashland County map mentioned on the book’s title page. Contents: names and addresses of those living in Ashland, Loudonville, and the county. Over 100 area companies placed advertisements in the original directory, giving a unique look into the county’s past. There is also a section on Poultry Diseases, Concrete, Horse Ailment, Spraying Formulas, etc., along with some photographs. Originals with the map are selling for as much as $95.
Add 3.50 shipping/handling (Media Mail) first book + 1.50 for each additional title ordered. Ohio residents please add 7% sales tax.
2004, 6" X 9", Softbound, 288 pages
Order From:
Ashland Co. Chapter OGS
PO Box 681
Ashland OH 44805-0681
Price: $21.00
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from the author.