Author: Patricia M. Steele
This book contains tombstone inscriptions in Jefferson County, PA, cemeteries of tombstones that have been added since Tombstone Hoppin’, Volume I and Tombstone Hoppin’ Volume I and up until the end of December 1999. Contents featured are burials since the 1980 and 1981 books were published, information from burial records where possible, burials from obituaries, new tombstones on previously unmarked graves, and a brief history of each cemetery. All cemeteries that were in the 1980 and 1981 books have been surveyed again and new tombstones recorded, as well as a few newly-discovered old cemeteries.
First published in 2000, this is the third printing of this useful book. Every name index.
Price includes shipping and handling. (PA orders only must add $3.60 PA State Sales Tax). No credit card orders. Money orders preferred.
Reprint 2011, 8.5" X 11", Hardbound, 369 pages
Order From:
Patricia M. Steele
10 Cherry St
Brookville, PA 15825-1006
Price: $60.00
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