Compilers: Joan Search Hanson and Nancy Tock
Every genealogist has used a census record at one time or another to help locate their ancestors. The census was only read once every ten years and often families were missed. The tax collector made his rounds every year and missing someone was rare. Annual tax records can be very helpful in establishing your ancestor’s location, personal possessions, real estate, economic status and sometimes they included the occupations and family relationships of your ancestors.
These records are particularly helpful for the period prior to the first census in 1790 and for the period between 1880 and 1900 with the absence of the 1890 census.
Unfortunately there is no general index for these very extensive tax records, however, the records are alphabetized by year. Happy hunting.
2011, 8.5x11, Softbound, 219 pages
Price: $24.95
SKU: CP-607
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