Closson Press

Product Details

Washington County, Pennsylvania, Qtr. Sessions Court Records

Washington County, Pennsylvania, Qtr. Sessions Court Records Authors: Western Authors: Pennsylvania Genealogical Society
…August 1781 - March 1795, Abstracts. An ancestor need not be a lawbreaker to appear in these records. Justices of the Peace issued marriage licenses, settled disputes, and made decisions on a variety of issues. In this volume, you will find felony, larceny, horse-stealing, assault, the laying-out-of-roads, lists of Grand Jury men, those admitted to the bar, overseers of the poor, the formation of Greene Township, and licensing of tavern owners to name just a few. Also included are 4 period maps, a short history of the Washington County Quarter Sessions Court as well as one for Washington County appropriate to the time period of the publication, and a list of some legal terms found in the abstracts. Index. Coil binding. 

Price includes shipping and handling for Continental USA orders. For Pennsylvania residents, the cost including tax is $23.54. For addresses outside the continental USA, please contact WPGS at or the ordering address for shipping/handling costs.

2010, 8.5" X 11", Softbound, 143 pages

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WPGS Publications
4400 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-4080

Price: $22.00

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